Oh gosh, it's been quite a while since I've posted on here. I was inspired last night to clear off my desk. I was watching a movie when I realized that I haven't worked on anything on my computer desk for weeks and when I looked up I saw a mess. It was quite ridiculous. I decided it was time to clean it off and give myself a new slate and try to make this a more productive corner. So here it is - I just need to make sure I keep it clear and organized. *smiles*
The way I see it... a desk should only have the things that are used regularly and everything should be easily accessible. Knowing what I have and where it is will save me a lot of time AND money. When I cleared and cleaned everything out I found THREE staplers. Why the heck did I end up with three staplers? Because when I couldn't find something I just bought it again. What a terrible habit, who else is guilty of this?

This won't be the first time I admitted this... I have an obsession with pens. I found a BUNCH of pens that I dare not count how many I had in my possession however... I took a giant step last night and selected pens that I felt I would never use put it in a bag and took it to work. Others can use it, I can use it, and I won't care if customers or co-workers take them from me. Well, not as much anyway. *smiles* I stowed away the other "regular" pens that still had caps and were full of ink and I was happy with the way they felt when I wrote with them in designated ziplock bags (one bag for black and the other for blue).
...and all of my "fancy", "preferred", and "everyday" pens are easily accessible on my desk top all that work so no more random scribbling on scratch pieces of paper.