I decided that when I have kids and I have the opportunity to let them have all of their wisdom teeth taken out I am going to approve it when they are younger - so they don't have to remember it. I had two of mine removed, both on the right side.
Thursday evening was when I had it done. Probably the most painful part of the procedure was with the anesthetic dentist needle, which they had to do 7 times because apparently I am not supposed to feel any sharp pain while they are pulling the teeth. After the 7th one I convinced myself that if it didn't work I am just going to lie because those needles were so painful, I was willing to risk feeling the actual extraction. The 7th one worked thankfully and they were able to pull out the bottom and top wisdom teeth without a problem. He stitched me up and told me to not have any solids during the next 24 hours and avoid all straws until I'm fully healed.

So far my diet has consisted of mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, yogurt, blueberry/banana smoothies, pudding, and today I treated myself to some pancakes. Oh man, I am so ready for a REAL meal. My gums need to hurry and fully heal already.
Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was your experience like?