"We always vote for Democrats," My mom answered me when I asked her the question, are we Democrats or Republicans? ...and as 3rd grader and a child, I knew better than to question my parents. I was never told not to but I always KNEW that I should never ask why. Now that I'm an adult though, I can't help but ask why. ...and for the life of me, I don't know why children are discouraged from asking why whenever they didn't know the answer.
As a society WHY are children told to be quiet so often, to sit on their hands, and not to talk to their neighbors? Why do we have to accept the way things are without explanation? Why do we feel like we can't make a difference? I spent about 2 hours today looking up articles and youtube videos of the presidential candidates of 2016 (and potential ones) and I think I am more confused now more than ever.
I've been registered to vote since I was 18 but I have never voted. Gosh, would the women of the 1920's be so disappointed in me. I've said excuses like "I never got around to it" or "I never had the time to go out and vote" but that's not really the truth is it? I simply do not know what to vote for.
It's funny as a 3rd grader you don't know a whole lot let alone politics. I remember literally thinking I think I would vote for Bob Dole but I was afraid to say out loud because all of my classmates were saying Clinton (and back then I wanted to vote for Bob Dole because his name was easier to spell)!
Back in 2008 I was afraid to admit that Obama sounded like a good candidate for everyone around me were going for McCain. Who wouldn't want change? Isn't it time for a change? Yes we can! What a great slogan. *sighs* Two times now have I had the chance to vote but neglected to because I didn't want to be swayed by peer pressure and I was just downright scared to make a decision.
Well, 2016 needs to be different. OK so I know a lot of people say that it's not going to make a difference who you vote for the system is rigged anyway but my thing is...if everybody thought this way, then why make believe that we are a democratic country? We have the power to vote so why don't we? I think it's because we've gotten so used to being told what to do, to sit on our hands, and to be quiet.
Oh but now I am more confused more than ever. It seems like 75% of the information online is about why you should not vote for the candidates. Who should we vote for? There are no guarantees that what they say during the presidential race are exactly what they're going to do once they're in office. As a matter of fact, which presidents actually went into office and did exactly what they promised? I don't know the answers to these questions because I've remain stoic and indifferent when it comes to politics for I hated hearing the debates and arguments of people whenever politics became the subject of a conversation. Well, I still got over a year left right? I still have time to educate myself the best I can in order to be prepared to exercise my right as an American and vote for the next President.
What about you - where do you stand with politics?