Friday, May 8, 2015

Let's Talk About Breakfast Cereal

OK so my current collection isn't the healthiest but breakfast cereals are actually one of my favorite breakfast and snack foods.  It's convenient and delicious although I know all the sugar, carbohydrates, and I'm sure chemicals makes it pretty unhealthy.  I think it's important to change up breakfast foods so it doesn't get boring and ensures one to not miss it as I sincerely believe it is the most important meal of the day.

My favorite breakfast cereals are (but not limited to):
  • Cheerios/Honey Nut/Frosted/Apple Cheerios
  • Frosted Flakes/Corn Flakes
  • LIFE Cinnamon
  • Cocoa Pebbles
  • Golden Grahams
  • Honey Bunches of Oates
  • Raising Bran
  • Apple Jacks
  • Lucky Charms
  • Reeses Puffs
I don't think it's a good idea to exclusively eat cereal for breakfast every day but it's a good enough alternative than not. How do you feel about breakfast cereals? Do you have a favorite brand?  Let me know by commenting below!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Passport Application Sent!

I haven't left the country since I was 5.  I have no plans to travel any time soon but if the opportunity wants to present itself I definitely want to be in the position to be ready.

I don't know if you guys know this but it could take 4-6 weeks from the time an application is submitted for your passport to arrive.  Assuming you'd want to pay the minimum cost that is.

Standard processing time cost me $165 for a Passport book and card.  I guess technically one does not need a passport card but I rather have both just in case. A passport book is good for travel by air, land, or sea whereas the passport card is only valid for seaports and land border crossings.

So... now I wait.  I'm glad I got it started any way. That is one less thing I'd have to worry about.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

1 Million Steps in 3 Months!

That number sounds like a lot right? Well, it turns out that I've in fact taken more than 1 million steps since January.  Early January I purchased the UP24 which I use daily to track my sleep and steps.  I received a notification saying that I walked over 1,000,000 steps and counting which is equivalent to walking from San Francisco to Mexico!

Does owning a fitness tracker really help?  In my opinion, yes.  Back in Texas I walked a lot and it was mostly due to work.  However, now that I'm on this...extended vacation it's really easy just to stay in pajamas and Netflix binge. So when I'm looking my iPad and my UP24 app is practically yelling at me it's a real encouragement. I also have fitness pals who I know sees my updates and when I see their updates and when their numbers are significantly higher than mine that when I get to steppin'!  I use my iPad to read the app but if you have an Android or iPhone you can literally track your steps constantly.  I found that it drove me a little crazy so I decided to take it off my phone and just periodically check my progress when I'm at home.

Do you know how many steps you have to take in order to have traveled a mile? They say it's about 2,000 steps it just depends on the measurement of your strides.  My ultimate goal is to be able to walk 20,000 steps/day.  I haven't been able to break that number yet but I think I will get there soon.  I just need to put the time into it.

Do you own a fitness tracker? What kind do you have? How often do you use it? If you don't have one, are you considering getting one?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What Does Cinco De Mayo Celebrate?

Some say that Cinco De Mayo is more of an American celebration than a Mexican one.   It’s a time when a lot of people use it as an excuse to eat Mexican food and drink margarita.  Truth is, if you were to ask Americans what Cinco De Mayo is about or the history behind it they would be clueless.  If you’re one of these people don’t worry you don’t have to tell anyone but I will tell you the basics so you will no longer be ignorant and can confidently answer the question “What does Cinco De Mayo celebrate?”

Picture featured on
According to On May 5, 1862, 2,000 Mexican soldiers were prepared to fight 6,000 French troops.  General Charles Latrille de Lorences led the French while General Zaragoza led the Mexicans.  The French had lost 500 soldiers and about 100 Mexican casualties.

I believe good leadership makes a huge difference in a group of people large or small that face an objective.  This can be applied in war, school, place of employment, etc.  

There is a quote that I absolutely loved by Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it."   Anyone can be in a leadership position and tell people what needs to be done and some may follow.  However, I believe it’s the greatest leaders who find a way to make the people passionate about what they must do to get the job done.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Underwear/Sock Drawer

To start of this next blog post I am going to start of with a few questions for you:
  • Do you have a separate drawer for your underwear and socks or do you keep them together?
  • How often do you purchase socks and underwear?
  • Do you have a favorite brand for different occasions?

I would love to hear your answers so please comment below when you have a chance.

As for myself, I keep my socks and underwear in the same drawer.  A year ago I organized my drawer but now it is in a state where they are all just thrown in together in one drawer.  I can hear a former co-worker’s voice in my head “Let’s see how long you can keep that up” when I proudly showed her the picture of my super organized underwear drawer!

I don't really have a pattern of when I buy socks and underwear.  I guess I used to buy them whenever I thought they were on sale or were a good deal at the time.  

It is currently still in a chaotic state but it is something that I plan on tackling tomorrow.  I will be one step closer to having the examples I need to post about my updated minimalist wardrobe post that I aim to complete this weekend.

As a guide I will be following Love Raw Vegan’s video “How To Simplify & Organize Your Underwear Drawer” – I will link it below.  Perhaps it will help you out as well! ;)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Last month I put a poll asking "What was your favorite 2000s TV Show?"  Although I love Grey's Anatomy I would have to say I love Charmed even more.  According to the poll I'm not the only one.

Charmed is a supernatural-type show that feature three sisters who are witches.  Known as the most powerful witches of all time.

I loved the show and I still watch it on Netflix from time to time.  I was impressed how they changed up the story and brought in a new actress after Shannen Doherty left who played the oldest sister named Prue.  I must admit re-watching the show some of the oldest episodes from seasons 1, 2, and 3 was really corny I loved Prue Halliwell's character but I can tell the show got significantly better with the later seasons.

Do you like Charmed? Who was your favorite character? Do you still watch the re-runs?  Let me know by commenting below!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Path To A Minimalist Wardrobe

When I started this blog one of my earlier post was about organizing my drawer space. I want to take it a step further and organize my entire wardrobe and transform it to more of a minimalist one.

How often is it that we find ourselves frustrated that we can't figure out what to wear? I imagine the decision wouldn't be difficult if I do not have much of a choice. I've made several trips to the local thrift stores and donated a few boxes of clothes and other household items. I am definitely on the right track.

I've got three drawers and half a closet to work with (yes, I share my closet with my husband)!  I will actively work on it this week so hopefully by next weekend I will have a decent update on my progress.

Friday, May 1, 2015

May's Challenge: Daily Food Diary

In the month of April I successfully posted a single blog every day for the whole month! Yay!  Now I still plan on blogging once a day but on the side I've decided to take on a new challenge for the month of May.  Every day (all day) I will write down what I eat.

Why do I want to journal what I eat?  I want to do this because I know it will make me aware of what I am eating and how often I am eating.  It will make me consciously aware of what I'm consuming.  

I will not post it on this blog on the daily basis because I think the work would be redundant. Besides, why would anyone care what I ate every day?  However, I will include what I've eaten so far at the bottom of this post simply because I'm talking about it.  

Overall my aim is to eat healthier foods on the regular basis so I'm not going to drive myself crazy by counting my calories or anything like that.  I'm just going to watch my portions and opt out on high fat contents as much as possible. They say it's not healthy to lose more than 2-3 lbs a week so by March 31, hopefully I will lose 8-12 lbs.  Wish me luck! ;)

Friday, May 1, 2014 

1 cup of oatmeal (which is WAY too much I will cut it down to 1/2 half cup tomorrow)
8 pieces of pecan
2 tsp of brown sugar
2 tsp of peanut butter
1 cup of coffee

2 cups of mixed salad
1 tsp of feta cheese
2 pieces of artichoke
drizzle of fat free zesty italian dressing
1 glass of water

1 cup of brown rice
1 class of water

Snap peas