That number sounds like a lot right? Well, it turns out that I've in fact taken more than 1 million steps since January. Early January I purchased the UP24 which I use daily to track my sleep and steps. I received a notification saying that I walked over 1,000,000 steps and counting which is equivalent to walking from San Francisco to Mexico!

Does owning a fitness tracker really help? In my opinion, yes. Back in Texas I walked a lot and it was mostly due to work. However, now that I'm on this...extended vacation it's really easy just to stay in pajamas and Netflix binge. So when I'm looking my iPad and my UP24 app is practically yelling at me it's a real encouragement. I also have fitness pals who I know sees my updates and when I see their updates and when their numbers are significantly higher than mine that when I get to steppin'! I use my iPad to read the app but if you have an Android or iPhone you can literally track your steps constantly. I found that it drove me a little crazy so I decided to take it off my phone and just periodically check my progress when I'm at home.
Do you know how many steps you have to take in order to have traveled a mile? They say it's about 2,000 steps it just depends on the measurement of your strides. My ultimate goal is to be able to walk 20,000 steps/day. I haven't been able to break that number yet but I think I will get there soon. I just need to put the time into it.
Do you own a fitness tracker? What kind do you have? How often do you use it? If you don't have one, are you considering getting one?