Thursday, February 13, 2014

49 Pieces of Clothes in 1 Drawer!

I spent about an hour and half sorting through my dresser and organized the clothing articles again in 4 categories: Trash, Donate, Sell, and Keep.  I did not find any clothes in there that I wanted to sell. There were some that I am willing to donate.  Basically I had 3 drawers of clothes I wanted to keep and I folded them in a way that I can SEE what shirts I have. I also managed to fit all 49 pieces of shirts (t-shirts, sleeveless, long-sleeved, and camisoles/tanks) in ONE single drawer. AMAZING.  My drawers are not unusually large either it's about... 24"W x 14" D x 6" H. Yes I could have spent the two hours playing a video game or watching a movie before bed...but I decided to be productive and use that time to sort through my clothes, fold them, and blog about it. *smiles*


  1. Wow ! That took a long time! Good for you getting through it! It would have taken me half that time cause I have no shirts. I like to reveal my stuff.

  2. WOW! That is insane! You look like you have military background or something haha.
