Sunday, April 5, 2015

Quick Road Trip Tips

This weekend we tackled a five hour road trip to Simi Valley.  We've done long trips before such as from Dallas to Boston and Dallas to New Orleans.  So from Monterey to Simi Valley we really thought the 4 hours and 58 minutes (according to my Blackberry's built in GPS Map App) was going to be a breeze.  Long story short there are some things that I would have changed which we learned quickly from and applied it to our trip back. So articles out there tell you the big things like secure home and belongings for when you're away, call your credit card companies so your purchases aren't flagged, etc but what most articles don't tell you are the little things you might overlook.

Sharon's Quick Road Trip Tips
  1. Check your check listDo not leave the OBVIOUS things off of your list because there is a chance you'd forget them. For me, it was dog food and my hair brush. Check your checklist make sure everything is on there even the obvious items -better safe than sorry!
  2. Have a full tank before departure
    So you think since driving mostly on the highway there are plenty of gas stations on the way. This may be your mentality when you've got a half full tank - ignore that voice in your head and fill it up anyway!  There is nothing more annoying and nerve wracking driving on a long stretch of road with no signs of civilization with that darn indicator screaming at you because it's touching the letter E.  If you don't know what I'm talking about you don't drive your car or you're just too awesome that you have never put yourself in a position to worry about an empty tank.
  3. Pack snacks & Water
    We could have saved about $50 on quick splurges on the road if we had just eaten before we left and packed snacks and had plenty of water.  My husband grabbed 4 cans of coconut water and on my shift alone of 2 and half hours of driving we finished 3 of them and I was dying for water!
  4. Have your playlists ready
    It is actually quite frustrating channel surfing as you are trying to maneuver around drivers who do not understand the concept of "Slower Traffic Move to the Right."  ...and what the heck is up with drivers passing you only to slow down in front of you?   On the way back the hubby and I came to a compromise I let him listen to his news and talk radio while he is driving and he let me rock out to my Backstreet Boys playlist.

    The drive back was a heck of a lot easier with food in our stomachs and the sun shining bright. =)


  1. I'm glad to read that you had fun. :) These are some very good trip planning tips. Thanks for sharing them. Although, as far as number 4 is concerned, I'm not a fan of listening to the radio in the car. I find it distracting. I prefer talking or just looking out the window.

  2. This is a good list for traveling. Especially checking the list. I always do that when I'm traveling. I also make sure I go use the bathroom before I leave, even if I don't think I need it. Otherwise, I end up needing to go to the bathroom before I've reached my destination.

  3. I that's a good list for traveling. I travel a good bit, and especially know how pricey food can be. I remember once I took a drive and had to buy water. I spent $6 dollars just to get everyone in my truck some water. If I would've prepared, I could've bought a case of water and ice for $5 :D

  4. These are some amazing lists for some quick trips. I new most of these little tips, but the one regarding playlists I did not even think of. I typically just cruise on the radio, but I guess since I have Spotify now, I could totally use that to make some sweet playlists or even find some. You should try adding a few more tips that more people may not know about!
