Sunday, March 29, 2015

Milk's Favorite Cookie

I have this memory with my brother Jason he would buy a pack of Oreos and a gallon of milk.  The day would be dedicated to watching movies and chowing down on some Oreos and we would finish them!  Not the healthiest snacking session I know. Fun times.

So after doing a quick research on Oreos I found out that they were produced by Nabisco.  Actually I knew that from the packaging but what I didn't know is that Nabisco is actually "National Biscuit Company" (I bet you didn't know that either!) lol

I heard that they came out with Oreo cereal once.  Unfortunately, I never got to try it. Is it as awesome as having a bowl of milk and dropping 5 Oreos in it and eat them with a spoon?

Right now the package says "Milk's Favorite Cookie" wasn't it "America's Favorite Cookie" at one point?  Did Chips Ahoy beat them? Who keeps track of these statistics? lol

What is your favorite cookie? Do you have a favorite kind of Oreo, double stuffed, peanut butter, etc?


  1. My favorite cookie is the oreo. The oreo has the cracker-type cookies on each side, with the delicious, mouthwatering cream inside. Oreos come in many different flavors. For one, I love double-stuffed oreos. They're my favorite. Many of Oreo's flavors include peanut butter, mint, cookies 'n cream, banana, chocolate, and more! Personally, I'm a peanut butter guy. Yum, yum, yummm!!

    1. Ah another Oreo fan welcome! ;) I've never tried the cookies 'n cream or the banana flavors they sound interesting.

  2. I have oreos every now and then. I like the plain ones and the peanut butter ones the best, although the double stuffed are pretty good too. I tried the birthday cake ones at a friends house one time, didn't really like those too much.

    1. lol I did not realize that they had a birthday cake one. You know, I would actually enjoy it I think if Nabisco released a Non-Cream one you know, just the chocolate cookies. :)

  3. I like Oreos, but my favorite flavor would have to be lemon or Dulce de Leche (

    1. I haven't tried either of those. I guess I'm pretty old fashioned by just going with the originals every time.

  4. I'm not really a big fan of Oreos. I've only had them once or twice in my entire life. The only ones I've had were chocolate and vanilla. I didn't even know that they came in so many flavors... Wow...

    1. I guess they are almost like potato chips, the manufacturer just wants to see how much they can get away with and what flavors they can market. :)

  5. There's peanut butter stuffed oreas? Why am I only finding out now xD?
    I love the normal ones. To be honest most chocolate biscuits I love.

    1. I've never tried the peanut butter kind but I bet they're delicious! ;)
