Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Seeking a beautiful place in California.

Our second anniversary is coming up in a couple of months and my husband and I are trying to plan for it.  Our schedule is not that free where we can take a whole week off like we did for our honeymoon so we have to stay close to the northern part of California.  We've already been to San Francisco so we're wanting to do something different (although I think that is our back up plan if we don't figure out something else).

Here are some of our ideas but feel free to get in touch if you can think of anything else!

  • Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
  • Lake Tahoe
  • Lassen Volcanic National Park
  • Point Reyes National Seashore


  1. Weather permitting, I think Lake Tahoe would be the best. While national parks are beautiful and really good for occasions such as this, you really can't beat a beautiful lake and the view that comes with it.

  2. Nice picture! After doing a little researching, I like Point Reyes National Seashore. If the weather is nice, you could hike, visit the beach or Point Reyes Lighthouse, have a picnic... There would also be a lot of photography opportunities along the trails with the wildlife and such. They also have campgrounds if you wanted to stay overnight. Where did you take your honeymoon to? If the weather turns out not to be the greatest, it is good that you have a backup plan. It's more about the event that this signifies than the location anyways, in my opinion so don't get caught up in the location. ;)

  3. You guys like to travel. That's cool and all, but if you have to stay in the Northern California region then you might want to try something different. Maybe multiple outings together visiting the local art museum, historical society and even park. Might sound strange a bit or even corney. But it is the simple things that get things going...
